Tuesday, September 23, 2008

PA Junkyard

It's been brought to my attention that my previous post sounds defensive. It's true I was a little on edge from not sleeping, going on little sleep, packing my bike,and sending off some last minute emails. Oh well!

After getting two and a half hours of sleep, I set out and rode 75 miles today, and I'm staying the night in Pennsylvania just past Gettysburg.

During the ride, I got a little bit of attention from a guy who wanted to talk to me about Ron Paul, but not much else. I didn't really stop today as I've been playing catch-up. Tonight I camp in a junk yard. I was a little intimidated still I did want to talk to the owner of the junkyard about his political views. Unfortunately, he left almost immediately after giving me the "ok" to camp there.

A small dog, whose name I later learned is Maria, has been barking at the amorphous white blob of my invading tent most of the night.

Tomorrow, I will try to ride 100 miles.


Unknown said...

That's unfortunate... I would also be interested in those people who haven't registered to vote. I mean a friend told me yesterday that her dad wasn't registered which is mind blowing to me.... what cause could there be not to vote...?

She did, however, inform me when I expressed my disbelief that her father does intend to vote in this election, which is even more interesting to me.

Christopher said...

go for it dude.

Anonymous said...

Shit, I already missed the MD part of your trip? I too would have been interested to hear what the junkyard owner had to say. Are you passing through Lancaster at all?


Anonymous said...

where you at

Anonymous said...

The dog's name was Maria? and barking at you? maybe she thought you were Vince ... ;-D

~1 of your southern belles, Ashley