Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Parting Shot

I am about to leave. Before I go however, I wanted to comment about something interesting that has happened since I sent out the first mailing about the trip. The responses that I have so far received fall into a couple of general categories: the “wow, cool, good luck!” replies, and the “oh, hey, you know what you should do” replies - I have been thrilled to get that kind of support, but then there’s this third category, what seems to me like a kind of social/political pressuring and I’m not sure how I ought to feel about it.

The few republicans I’ve heard back from seem cynical and to have lots of concerns about the sincerity of the project. One went so far as to say, “oh well it’s sort of too bad…if he does in fact decide to vote republican in the end, his whole generation is going to disown him.”

The Democrats, on the other hand, have been amicably threatening. They don’t seem prepared to expose me to republican thinking: I could never be convinced by their ideas, only corrupted. They are concerned that I will defect, become a turn coat, or convert.

These questions of loyalty and fidelity might reasonably come up among sports fans as they root on their team and curse the opposition, among members in a congregation of faith about those that stray, even in family where blood can be thicker than all else, but it's unreasonable where voting is concerned. The nature of this project is to try to vote based on reasons, to try to speak with people about how candidates represent their ideas, and to avoid using voting like a strategy to beat out an opposing party.

It seems that there will be speculation about my political leaning, and about whom I will vote for – both are healthy questions and I encourage them. I am however quite certain of my sincerity as regards the project itself and feel no obligations as regards my final vote. I welcome anyone (which includes members of other parties than the two mentioned above) to speak with me about their basis for electing a president.

Oh! I should add that I have made sure the sign on my bicycle does not read “whom”, but “who”. There was almost as much interest in that damn sign as there was in my well being.

That must be all for now, I have to be starting…

Ever out there,


Scaevola said...

You mean it doesn't say, "For Whom Should I Vote?"

I, for one, despite my San Francisco quip, do not doubt your independence, sincerity, and honesty. I do, however, have doubts about whether talking to people across the country, red state or blue, is really the best way to choose a political affiliation. That doesn't mean I am not intensely interested in your journey and won't eagerly await each report.

Vaya con Dios!

Anonymous said...

I count you among the most apolitical people I know Eric (like a lot of creative types in my life actually, though I don't know if there's any connection there), so like John, I have no doubt as to the authenticity of your mission.

But even dwelling away from the world of the 24 hour news cycle, you have to know that this current election cycle is at the very least being treated as one of the most historically important in a generation. As such, it makes complete sense that people would take your potential malleability so seriously. You are a tangible example of the swing voting block that will put this whole thing in the bag one way or another, a dream come true for the devoutly partisan.

Also, I must confess, despite the seriousness in which I approach these times of ours, I must confess that I see in my behavior towards politics in this country, scanning the same websites two or three times a day, paging through magazines, absorbing commentary based television and radio shows, starting conversations with non sequitors about Sarah Palin, many of the same mannerisms possessed by my sports fanatic roommate.

I wonder if it isn't just something innate and utterly natural.

Anonymous said...

Ben French, Mt. Summit Indiana, You spent the night camping in my lawn. I was just wandering how your doing and if you have made the trip yet. What type of comments are you getting on the election? Good luck.